January 22, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website

Support Local Hatcheries! Phils. Imports 1.4-B Fry From Indonesia, Taiwan

Bangus or milkfish (Chanos chanos) may be the country’s national fish but the irony is that to produce this species for the Filipino consumers, the country has to import 1.4-billion fry from Indonesia and Taiwan.
With an annual requirement of 2.5-billion fry, the Philippines has a self-sufficiency rate for milkfish fry (seed) of only 44 %.
Here is a report made by the Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) which our fisheries officials should carefully study:
“The Philippines has been highly reliant on milkfish fry imports to meet the large annual fry requirements of about 2.5 billion.
“About 1.4 billion milkfish fry are imported from Indonesia and Taiwan and only 1.1 billion are produced by local hatcheries.
“Foreign trade disruptions, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic places the Philippines in a highly vulnerable position as the production of milkfish, a national staple, will be compromised.
“Imported milkfish fry are also known to perform poorly compared to those that are locally-produced.
“Stress from extended transport durations result in low survival and deformities. Frequent importation also increases the likelihood of cross-border spread of aquatic diseases that may affect the local industry.”
Here are the recommended solutions by SEAFDEC:
“- Construct and operate more hatcheries;
– Rehabilitate unproductive hatcheries;
– Enhance performance of milkfish breeders.”
It takes five years for the Sabalo or Mother Milkfish to mature and start producing eggs which develop into fry and then grown to finger-size young Bangus called fingerlings.
The fingerlings are grown in fishponds or fishcages for a period of 5 to 6 months.
Just as in other agricultural endeavors, the solutions will not come quick and easy but if we start now, we could see the growth of the P400-B Bangus Industry now into a major export commodity which could contribute to our country’s economic recovery.
It has to start now, not next year.
