“What can I give you this Christmas…”
That is a line in an old Christmas song that I always love you hum.
But there is another line from another Christmas song that I also love very much:
“You’re all I want for Christmas…”
These two lines of the songs are symbolic of the spirit that comes along with the Christmas season.
The first line reflects selflessness and the willingness to make another person happy.
The second line is all about simple happiness and simple dreams in life that make a person happy. It’s all about the desire to be loved and cared for.
There has been an endless debate about Christmas, in relation to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many question the historical accuracy of Dec. 25 as the date when Christ was born.
Questions also abound on whether there really was a manger or there were really Three Kings who travelled far to pay homage to Jesus.
But people forget that Christmas is not about the exact date when Jesus Christ was born or about historical accuracies surrounding the birth of the Lord.
The message of Christmas is giving and sacrificing for others.
For believers like you and me, Jesus Christ was God’s gift to humanity to made the ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross to save us.
What greater gift can one make, greater than giving up one’s life for the sake of others?
That to me is the message of Christmas.
It is the sincere feeling of wanting to share.
It is not important how much or what you share. What is important is the fact that you share out of the goodness of your heart.
The Bible is full of passages which say that the poor who shares what little he has is more blessed than the rich who gives away a small portion of his wealth.
The reason is simple: the poor cannot afford to give but he shares.
And by the way, beware of people, politicians especially, who give away gifts bearing their names for these are given not out of love but out of selfish motives and greed.
I and my family wish every one and all a Merry Christmas as we pray for the coming of a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year where we all live respecting and truly loving one another.
“Give love on Christmas Day…”
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