One of the virtues of a good farmer is Patience.
Farming cannot be rushed, especially in preparing the land for planting.
A poorly prepared field will have problems with weeds which could result in very low yield.
In planting Sorghum and Soybeans, we are following this protocol:
1. Disc Plowing to turn over the soil. In areas with thick weeds, herbicide is used before deep plowing;
2. Disc Harrow one week after Deep Plowing to allow the soil to settle down, a process old farmers call “Padapat;”
3. Rotavator to pulverize the soil after one week;
4. Furrowing then planting and pre-emergence herbicide spray after 3 to 5 days.
This process efficiently addresses weed problems which could result in poor harvest.
(Video by Rex Peñaloza, Braveheart Farms.)
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