Yesterday, I visited the first large-scale Sorghum farm which used Agricultural Drones in seeding and all other aspects of farm maintenance, including spraying and broadcasting of foliar and granular fertilizer and came to the conclusion that we have found a new working machine which could greatly contribute to food production in the country.
Indeed, there are still some adjustments to be made, especially in the area of covering the Sorghum seeds with soil after Drone sowing but as a whole, the Agricultural Drones could be considered as one of the greatest agricultural innovations of our age.
Imagine being able to sow seeds in one hectare in less than 10 minutes, broadcast granular fertilizer and spray foliar fertilizer over the same area also in less than 10 minutes.
The drone could also spray fungicide, insecticide and pesticide in the same area in 7 minutes even if the Corn and Sorghum had reached a height which would make it difficult for manual spraying.
In rice production, the Agricultural Drone will definitely be a game changer since it could broadcast seeds over a wide area, undertake farm maintenance including spraying, even in areas where the mud would be knee-deep.
Since the Agricultural Drone is quite expensive for small farmers, I am suggesting that the Department of Agriculture organize a group of young agriculture graduates to serve as service providers.
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