Former NPA Area Pilots Village Nursery, Free-Range Chicken Breeding & Goat Upgrading Program!
Barangay Luz Village In my hometown Mlang, named after the wife of President Ramon Magsaysay, has been identified as the Pilot Area for a Barangay Plant Nursery, Free-Range Chicken Breeding and Goat Upgrading Program.
It all started Wednesday, Jan. 14, when I visited Luz Village, a former influenced area of the New People’s Army (NPA) located in the boundaries of Mlang and Makilala, on the invitation of the local Water Services Association, a beneficiary of three Level II Water Systems when I was Mayor of Mlang and later Governor of North Cotabato.
The village leaders expressed interest in what I was doing in my farm and they said they wanted to see my agricultural projects.
Yesterday, about 30 village leaders came and during their visit, I proposed the idea of turning Luz Village into a Pilot Area for Barangay Nursery for EVIARC Sweet Jackfruit and Sweet Aromatic Coconut, Buko Pandan.
Each of them received one seedling of EVIARC Sweet Jackfruit with the understanding that the 30 Mother Trees will be the source of scions for seedlings production which will in turn be distributed to other farmers in the village.
Five seedlings of the Sweet Aromatic Coconut Buko Pandan will also be the source of seed nuts to be shared to other farming families in the village.
In addition, I also gave them four pairs of Black Australorp and Plymouth Barred Rock breeders which were awarded to four families through a raffle that they themselves conducted in my farm.
The agreement was the four families will share. with other families in the village the chicks produced by the four pairs.
To upgrade their native goats, I also gave the village a Lamancha-Anglo Nubian Hybrid Buck as part of the “Toro Sa Barangay” Program.
A former NPA cadre, Lito Roxas, will handle the Hybrid Buck and other farmers who also raise goats would just bring their does to the breeding area.
I hope to replicate this program in the other bareangays of my town and later the whole province of North Cotabato.
Former NPA Area Pilots Village Nursery, Free-Range Chicken Breeding & Goat Upgrading Program!

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