While traditional Banana farming uses suckers in growing Bananas, modern tissue culture technology could now produce up to 500 merriplants or small plantlets from one corm.
The suckers of the Golden Mondo Banana which laboratory owner Jay Mearns gathered from my farm last Thursday, Jan. 12, had been sliced into battery-size corms placed in test tubes where the merriplants will grow.
It will take about 10 months from the time the corms are sliced and placed in test tubes up to the time the Banana plantlets would be ready for planting in the field.
The propagation may be difficult and arduous but producing disease-free 500 merriplants from just one sucker is worth the long wait.
(Photo shows agriculturist Jay Mearns who operates a Banana Tissue Culture Laboratory in Kidapawan City showing a Golden Mondo sucker which had been sliced up and placed in test tubes to produce 500 young Bananas.)
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