January 14, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website

Peace Thru Progress! Bangsamoro Region Starts Sorghum, Soybeans Farming

The vast Bangsamoro Region, rising from years of bloody conflict, ventures into an ambitious Agricultural Productivity Program with the introduction two crops, Sorghum and Soybeans.
Composed of six provinces, three of these island-provinces, the Bangsamoro Region has an area of almost 2-million hectares, most of which are in the provinces of Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao del Sur and Maguindanao del Norte.
The program had been launched in the towns of North Upi and South Upi in Maguindanao del Norte with Christian, Muslim and Tiruray farmers participating in the program.
Yesterday, I met with Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform Minister Dr. Mohammad Yacob to finalize the arrangements for BARMM’s financial support for farmers who will participate in the Sorghum and Soybeans Production Program.
On Thursday, June 13, I will have another meeting with BARMM Labor and Employment Minister Muslimen Sema who would like to introduce the program to farmers in Parang town.
The Sorghum and Soybeans farming program being introduced in the BARMM area offers technical assistance to be provided by technicians of the Southseas Agri-Aqua Ventures, Inc. and the Vetmate Farma Corp.
Farmers produce are also assured of a ready market with a guaranteed price under a Partnership Farming Program which I designed.
Venturing into a former conflict area may be viewed as very risky by some agricultural investors but I believe the prospects of seeing a progressive and peaceful Bangsamoro Region outweigh all the risks.
There could only be lasting peace when there is progress.
(First photo shows my meeting with MAFAR Minister Mohammad Yacob in his office in the BARMM Regional Center in Cotabato City yesterday. Other photos show Sorghum and Soybeans grown in demo farms in Cotabato Province.)