January 22, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website


By Manny Piñol
It is funny how some groups have distorted my statement on the controversial Conditional Cash Transfer Program of government, popularly known as the 4Ps.
While I have clearly stated that “4Ps FUNDS SHOULD BE USED FOR LIVELIHOOD AND INCOME GENERATING PROJECTS FOR THE 4Ps BENEFICIARIES INSTEAD OF CASH DOLE OUTS,” these groups are misleading the public by saying that I want the P70-B Budget of the program to be transferred to the Department of Agriculture.
They have also accused me of coveting the P70-B 4Ps funds ignoring my very clear declaration that the funds would still be given to the beneficiaries who will be taught and trained on how to engage in income generating livelihood activities to contribute to national productivity and national economic growth.
Repeatedly, the defenders of the 4Ps dole-out cash grants are claiming that I would like the program abolished.
On the contrary, I would like to strengthen the program by tweaking the system of helping the poor which now promotes indolence and breeds mendicancy.
In fact, I believe that the 4Ps funds should be released in one tranche as livelihood funds rather than by drops over a long period of time.
After a family is assisted with a livelihood activity, it should be delisted so another family could be assisted by the program.
How long do the so-called defenders and promoters of the 4Ps program like the poor to suffer from the indignity of lining up in front of the bank ATM under the heat of the sun and sometimes drizzles to get a few thousand pesos?
How long do they like to see 4Ps beneficiaries being exploited and blackmailed by politicians every election?
How long should we allow corrupt local officials milk poor 4Ps beneficiaries by hostaging their ATMs and releasing only a portion of their cash grant.
In the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao, for example, there is an on-going investigation on “cuts” being made by local officials on the 4Ps grants.
Even top social welfare officials agree that the program should be reviewed to make it more effective in alleviating poverty.
They must realize that the whole P70-B does not really go to the poor beneficiaries.
A large portion of the fund is spent for the administrative expense and the service fees of banks handling the transaction.
The P70-B allocated to the 4Ps program is P10-B higher than the annual budget of the Department of Agriculture, the agency tasked with producing food for the country.
A simple computation would show that if the P70-B is spent for income generating and food production activities, not only would it result in greater economic growth, it would also start a sustainable program to lift our people from poverty.
Sadly, the promoters and defenders of 4Ps refuse to listen to these arguments.
They continue to distort the story by claiming that any modification in the implementation of the program means abolishing 4Ps and depriving the poor of the money due them.
They divert from the crux of the issue by claiming that I covet the P70-B for my department even admonishing me that I should just focus on agriculture concerns.
Unfortunately for them, diversion and distortion will no longer work in our society today where social media have provided our people with information to differentiate truth from lies and identify people who have selfish agenda over those who dream of a better country.
( Photos show me and DSWD Secretary Gee Orogo in Malacañang Monday night. She expressed willingness to listen to my inputs in reforming the 4Ps program.)