January 21, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website

Where The Brave Dares! Former Battlefields Now Green With Soybeans & Sorghum

People who had been following my advocacies had asked with concern whether the interior areas of Alamada, Cotabato which I frequently visit now, are safe.
My answer has always been very clear and straight – conflict arises in communities where people feel they are neglected.
Genuine peace starts in the stomach which if sufficiently fed gives a feeling of security.
If nobody dares to penetrate former conflict areas like Teren-teren in Dado and Campo Onse in Rangayen, both in Alamada, peace will never come.
I have stopped bothering myself with the eternal question of which should come first – peace so that there would be progress or progress so that there would be peace?
Peace and Progress come in tandem and both are not achieved when nobody dares to tread into dangerous areas.
I have always been daring and a risk taker.
“The Future Belongs To The Brave,” the saying goes and I fully subscribe.
But I must add that the “Brave Must Have Heart” because Bravery without Love is simply rage.
