January 21, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website



In life, how many times have you faced problems that seemed so insurmountable you wanted to just give up and allow yourself to be ran over by a train? 

How many times have you been confronted by enemies whose size simply intimidated you and made you want to run away? 

How many times have you stood before challenges which everybody said you could not take on? 

I have been in such situations many times in my life. 

As a young man, I once faced a bully who at about 6 feet towered over my 5′ 4″ frame. I made him feel that I was intimidated and unleashed a right cross that hit him neat in the jaw and down he went like fallen timber. 

As a neophyte politician, I was pitted against undefeated opponents who political pundits said were unbeatable but I defeated them all. 

When I first climbed Mt. Apo I thought I could not do it because of the mountain’s magnificent height but I scaled it, not just once, but 12 times. 

In all of these instances, I was the underdog. 

The only time I lost in an election was when I was overly confident because of the survey figures which showed that I was way ahead. 

There are two lessons that I learned from all of these experiences. 

One, fight every battle in life as if it were the last and win it on your strength and heart rather than on your enemy’s weaknesses. 

Second, keep that strong faith in the Divine Being who sees to it that Good will always prevail over Evil and Right will always overcome Wrong. 

Proof? Look back in history and check whether tyrants and evil rulers prevailed: Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Idi Amin, Haile Mengistu, Khadaffy and more recently Andal Ampatuan. 

All of them fell by the wayside and thrown into the wastebasket of history as the locomotive of Righteousness, Goodness and Justice roared in their midst. 

In all of life’s challenges, remember this: There are no mountains so high we cannot climb, no rivers so deep we cannot cross and no dreams so lofty that we cannot realize.


Source: Manny Piñol