January 18, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website

I, Farm Boy! Asexual Propagation of Langka By Inarching Has Good Results

Producing Jackfruit seedlings through asexual propagation is a very challenging part of our nursery operations.
Asexual propagation involves the insertion or grafting of the Jackfruit scion into a rootstock to produce a tree of the same quality as the Mother Tree which would bear fruit at 3 years, instead of 8 to 10.
The traditional grafting through cleft and saddle insertion did not yield good results for us, however, with a survival of only 10%.
Two months ago, my plant propagator, Melchor Salinas, suggested that we try the Inarching method.
This is a reverse of the traditional grafting because the scion is not detached from the Mother Tree.
Instead it is the root stock which is inserted into the side opening of the growing scion.
It takes 45 days before the scion is weaned from the Mother Tree compared to the 21 days of traditional grafting.
The advantage of Inarching is a higher survival rate and less stress on the scion since it is not defoliated in the process.
So far, our survival rate using Inarching is about 50% but the mortality is mainly due to fungal attack which we will address later.