One of the biggest problems I saw in my fruit tree farm for so many years had been the cracking of fruits, especially Rambutan, Lanzones and lately, the Abuyog Jackfruit.
The fruits of my Rambutan and Longkong Lanzones would crack open like popcorn every time the rains fall after a long dry period rendering a lot of losses.
Unable to find the answers as to why this was happening, I asked an old farmer friend who gave me a very practical explanation on why this fruiting phenomenon was happening.
He said that fruit trees are just like humans, who, when very thirsty, would instinctively drink a lot of water to quench the thirst resulting in a bulging stomach,
It is the same for the fruit trees, who after a long dry spell, would suck up as much water as they could to satisfy the thirst.
The only problem is, while the human stomach could expand to absorb the extra volume of water, the rind of the fruits of Rambutan, Lanzones and Jackfruit is not flexible and could not stretch to allow excess water..
Excess moisture being pumped into the fruits, cause the rind to crack open.
To address this, the fruit trees must have regular access to water, he said.
While this explanation is purely anecdotal, I found a lot of sense in it.
So, as we face the coming of Summer this year, I am installing a drip irrigation system to provide regular watering to my Jackfruits and Lanzones.
If you are having the same problem in your farm, you could try this knowledge shared by an old farmer. It might just work for you.
(Video taken by Rex Peñalosa.)
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