Before the COVID 19 Pandemic battered the American farming sector, my Oregon-based American friend, James Clem, Jr., had a herd of about 1,000 dairy goats in his farm in Klamath Falls City.
His goats were not just the ordinary breeds because he chose the best lines to produce milk and some of his prolific does produced as much as 8 liters in one day.
Jim has two basic lines of Anglo Nubians – Six M Galaxy and Goldthwaithe – while he has the Lucky Star and Rockin CB genetics in his Lamanchas.
While Jim had reduced the population of his dairy goats to a manageable level because of the high cost of Alfalfa and feeds, he retained the best lines which he could use in future breeding programs.
In this short video which I took over a year ago, Jim explains the secrets to breeding quality dairy goats which produce a lot of milk.
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