One the major challenges in breeding the Manok Pinoy chicken in pens is feather-pecking.
Experts say this could be caused by boredom or an indication that the chicken need more protein in the feeds.
The problem with feather pecking is that it could lead to cannibalism if unchecked.
There are several ways of addressing this problem.
First, using a nailcutter, you could nip the tip of the beck, a measure which would also prevent hens from breaking their eggs.
Second, if there is enough space, allow the chicken to get out of the pens and eat green grass.
Third, hang a bunch of greens inside the pen so that they will have acccess to additional protein and end boredom.
Trichantera or Madre de Agua, Malunggay, Mulberry, Ipil-Ipil and even young Napier tops would do the job.
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