January 13, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website

I, Farm Boy! Protecting Backyard Chicken Through Scheduled Vaccination

There is no such thing as a Super Chicken which is immune to diseases and could survive without a proper health management.
One of the reasons for the failures of the backyard chicken industry is the presence of diseases like Avian Pest, Coryza, Respiratory Disease and others.
The best way to address this is to immunize. But even with immunization, there is no 100% guarantee that the chicken will be protected from the disease.
But they will gain resistance which would make medication easier.
Here is our scheduled immunization in the farm which we implement before we set our chicks in the free range:
35-Day Rearing and Vaccination Program
Vitamins water soluble.
• Day 1-3 Electrolytes
• Day 4-6 Ambroxityl
• Day 7-10 Vitiral
• Day 11-12 Baycox
• Day 13-15 Electrolytes
• Day 16-18 Promine vitamins
• Day 19-21 Hydrochac vitamins
• Day 22-24 Labedrosol B
• Day 25-27 Multivitamins B-complex
• Day 28-30 ADE+C
• Day 30 Deworm (water soluble powder)
• Day 31-34 Electrolytes
• Day 1-5 – B1-B1+IB, Gumburo*
*Day 10 – B1-B1+IB, Gumboro
• Day 14 – Fowlpox
• Day 21 – Lasota +IB
*Day 28 – Mycoplasma
• Day 35 – Coryza
(* For chicks which come out weak from hatching, allow them to gain strength first by giving them Electrolytes for the first 5 days and immunize them only when they are already showing signs of vigor. Vaccination could be stressful to the chicks and the weaker ones may not survive.)