January 21, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website

I, Farm Boy! We’re Starting A Breeding Farm For Anglo Nubians, LaManchas

Yesterday, veterinarians from the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) took blood samples from the herd of dairy goats which were brought in from Oregon, USA to my farm as part of the quarantine protocols for imported animals.
The blood samples will be sent to a testing laboratory which would check the presence of common goat diseases like CAE or Blue Tongue.
As soon as they are cleared, the does composed of 34 LaManchas and 5 Six M Galaxy Anglo Nubians will be readied for breeding to start a multiplier farm.
The dairy goat multiplier farm will actually have 110 heads of does and 10 bucks, a project which I am undertaking in partnership with a friend who financed the acquisition of the breeders.
The remaining 80 heads will be shipped March or April to complete the start-up population which I believe would produce enough breeding materials to be shared with other Mindanao goat farmers later.
A friend who was convinced on the potentials of dairy goat farming in Mindanao agreed to enter into a partnership with my farm which, modesty aside, has a long experience in breeding quality goats.
Our agreement is very simple.
He purchased the goats from top US dairy goat farms with my guidance.
I will breed and raise the goats in my farm in Kidapawan City.
We will share whatever is earned from the sale of the offsprings of the breeders made up of top dairy goat lines in the Oregon and California.
I actually made the selection of the breeds personally having a deep knowledge of which lines of dairy goats are good milkers.
The LaManchas, a Spanish goat breed developed in Oregon, are known for quality milk. We have two lines in the farm now, Lucky Star and Rockin CB.
The Anglo Nubians, also consistent milkers, are beautiful goats with pendulous ears. We have two lines as well, Six M Galaxy and Goldthwaithe.
My Oregon-based friend, Jim Clem, who bred most of these goats with his friend Joanne Danielson of California, reported that a cross of these two breeds gave him does which produced as much as 6 liters of milk daily for over 10 months after birthing.
We don’t expect to produce that much given the hotter climate in the Philippines but half of that would already be outstanding.
Hopefully, by the last quarter of 2021, we would be ready to share some of the bucklings and doelings from these outstanding dairy goat breeds.
Alongside Mt. Carmel Baptist Rural Life Center (MBRLC) which received a grant from the Department of Agriculture to procure outstanding dairy goat breeders, we will be able to improve the dairy goat industry of Mindanao in the years to come.
By starting this project with private financing, I would like to prove that the private sector could actually play an important role in developing agriculture in this country.
All that needs to be done is to guide them and show them the potentials of agriculture in the country.