Practical Tips On Bio-Security In Free-Range Chicken Farming!
When introducing to the farm new breeding materials, make sure that you keep them in a quarantine facility for at least 15 days before they are brought to the breeding yards.
The first step should be to dunk them in a pail with anti-mite solution which now comes in the form of shampoo to make sure that they do not bring with them parasites.
Next is to deworm them after which the new fowls should be vaccinated with the basic immunization for New Castle Disease, locally known as Dungoy or Aratay.
The new stocks should be observed for at least 15 days inside the quarantine area for any sign of diseases, including “siphon” or “halal.”
It is best to consult a veterinarian when you observe that the chicken are not healthy.
Remember, one mistake could wipe out you flock.
Practical Tips On Bio-Security In Free-Range Chicken Farming!

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