January 14, 2025

Emmanuel "Manny" F. Piñol

Official Website


The Pilot Cattle Fattening Feedlot which will start the production of Halal Beef from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region will be established inside the main camp of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Darapanan, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao.
The Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), which will undertake the project along with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR), said the move will be a symbolic start of the conversion of the former rebel camps into food production and agro-industrial sites to benefit former combatants and their families.
BDA Chairman Mangontawar Macacuna presented the proposal to build the first Cattle Fattening Facility inside the Darapanan Camp of the MILF to the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) which is helping both the BDA and the BARMM-MAFAR in starting the Halal Beef Production Program.
The proposed Cattle Fattening Facility designed by MinDA staff and consultants under the Mindanao Livestock Development Program will hold an initial 1,000 heads of fatteners.
Part of the sheds to be constructed will have Solar Panel as roofings to generate power for a Solar-Powered Water System to provide water for the facility, as well as the families living inside the camp.
The ‘Smart’ Cattle Feedlot will be the first of its kind in the country and will be one of at least 10 units which will be established in the five provinces of the Bangsamoro Region.
Former combatants and their families will be the stakeholders of the Cattle Fattening Feedlots, including the Cattle Breeding Facilities.
Halal Abattoirs will also be built in all of the areas to produce packed and processed beef to be sold locally and in other markets in the country.
The former combatants and other farmers in the camps and nearby communities will also be engaged in the planting and production of silage materials for cattle feeding.
The Bangsamoro Halal Beef Program has received pledges of support from the Australian Government and MinDA, representing the Philippine Government.
The blueprint for the Bangsamoro Halal Beef Production Program prepared by a technical working group composed of representatives of MinDA, BARMM-MAFAR and BDA will be presented to BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Murad” Ebrahim, Al Haj, next. week.
(The design of the Solar-Powered ‘Smart’ Cattle Fattening Facility was prepared by the MinDA technical staff.)